

My mother fell down and broke her shoulder. After hospital discharged, she received rehabilitation at The Parents. At first, she was unable to eat on her own. But after recovery programs at The Parents, she can eat independently again. She complimented on the caregiving service here and the doctor at the hospital was also amazed by her recovery. Thank you for providing excellent rehabilitation service for my mother.

Khun Duangjai (95 years old)

Before staying at The Parents, my mother weighed 82 kilograms and cannot walk on her own due to osteoporosis. The doctor at the hospital said there was no hope for recovery. I decided to bring her for rehabilitation at The Parents. The nutritionist helped manage her weight loss meals together with encouraging more protein intake. Now she had lost 10 Kilograms and started being able to walk again. She conducted rehabilitation and exercise at Smart Medical Gym which The Parents provide. What a miracle that she could walk again!

Khun Chanphen (70 years old)

I received rehabilitation for stroke and paralysis. I could talk but not very clearly and also had thyroid abnormality and heart disease. I could not eat by myself. At that time, my health condition was very weak. After rehabilitation at The Parents, my paralysis condition got better. I could start walking and my body balance improved, as well as my communication ability. The rehabilitation program here is very effective. I could resume my normal life within 2 months. I still come back to The Parents for more rehabilitation course. They really take care of me well.

Khun Prasert (55 years old)

My mother developed cancer and Parkinson which made her choke and cough while eating. Once she stayed at The Parents, she received meticulous care and her conditions got much better. She likes to walk and the care specialist always take her for a walk and watch out for her closely. This made me put my trust at The Parents for my mother’s long term care. 

Khun Phassorn (85 years old)